Sunday, January 14, 2018

Well Happy New Year to ALL!!!  

2018 is off and running... 
I am hoping for a better year than the last!
Have had a couple serious medical issues in 2017,
but I'm on the mend now.
Doctors say it will still be several months before I am totally
back to normal.   Which is still a little iffy... 
The husband says that I have Never been normal!    he,he,he...

Started working on my Show schedule for 2018...    
There are several shows that I want to be a part of this year,
but I'm not so sure that I will be able to...   
Due to one of my medical issues, which has left me rather gimpy
with my left leg and foot.   I have to where a compression sock  to
keep the swelling down and sometimes use a cane.  
I had to cancel out of all my Fall and Holiday shows for 2017...
I still have days where I just kinda want to sit and cry. 
Because I just can't do some of the things that I WAS doing
only a few months ago!

I know that I have said this several times before,
but I am going to say it again...   I am going to try VERY hard
to post on a regular basis.  
Maybe once a month to start with...

I do hope this post finds everyone well & happy for the new year!!!

chow for now...   Christina    =^,^=