Sunday, July 25, 2010

Howdy... Howdy...

     Well the weekend is at an end, it always goes so very fast...    I had so many things that I wanted 2 get done this weekend, I always have a list.   But it never fails something else comes up and my list goes terribly astray...   

     I did have my flower sale in my yard 2day that I had bean planning all week.    I had such a good turn out that I think I'm going 2 do it every other Sunday, unless we R camping or I have other obligations.    So keep a look out for more info.   I did not post it on my blog this time, but next time I will be sure 2 do so.

     I want 2 thank ALL my friends, and customers for stopping by my sale, a good time was had by all....    U know who U R...   :)  

Thanks Bunches...    2 every1     chow 4 now...  christina    =^,^=     meow...

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

     Well, I had an interesting afternoon...      I decided to make an attempt at trapping the naughty little feral Tom Cat that killed our pool.     I got the "Live trap" all set up and ready, and within 3 hours I had one.   Not the one that I wanted, but he was one of the two that keep fighting over our yard.   So I called animal control to come pick up the little critter...    and U will never guess what happened... 
     The little bugger got out the in door...    Just as the animal cont. lady was at the trap and un-hooking the back side he got all hissy and showed his teeth,  he must have hit the door just right because he was able to push it open about 3 inches or so....   and he was gone...    Maybe that will scare him enough to keep him out of our yard for a while...
     After that I went to Jodie's open studio...    4:30 to 6:30 every Wednesday...  check her out...   


                We had a lovely time playing with beads and just chatting about all kinds of stuff...

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Good day fellow bloggers...

Hope U all had a nice weekend, we had a lot of bad weather here abouts in Lincoln, NE.    A little water logged, but no harm done at our place...    
     We have a small pool, one with the blow up ring around the top.   Well a few weeks ago I thought it got hit by blowing debris during a storm, because the blow up ring was deflated.    Well 2night as I was cooking supper and looking out the kitchen window, I watched a neighborhood tom cat stroll through our yard.   He stopped at the side of the pool, looked around a bit then jumped up on the side to get a drink from what had collected in the cover from last nights rain.     It was cute at first, until I realized that he has ALL his claws...
OH CRAP!!!!!    that's what happened 2 the blow up ring around the top....

     On to other business...    I had planned 2 post pictures of some items left from my yard sale, and some pictures of a very beautiful jewelry set I made as a gift.    But... I can't locate the little thing that my memory card goes into for my lap top.   Then a friend said I should just use my usb cable...   Okay... so now I just have2 locate the cable...      wish me luck, I'm sure it's on safari too...
chow 4now    =^,^=     meow....   christina

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Well hello all...
     I think I have recovered from my yard sale,   man...  that was a lot of work....   I want to say thank U to my good friend Mona who helped me with my sale.    I'm so glad she was there to lend me a hand, she helped to make  things go very smoothly...    Thank U Mona...   One more little note, Mona & I donated some left overs to the non-profit "Cause 4 Paws", they help all the local and state animal shelter and rescue programs.   So when U have things you R going to git rid of keep them in mind...    ....also, it felt good to help them....
     Still have a few items left that need a good home.    A set of 5 Antique chairs, 4 reg. & 1 cap.  and all 5 just a hundred $...  Then I have a matched pr. of Antique High Back chairs with orig. leather seat, was asking $95.00 for the pr., make me an offer...    But that's not all...  2 Very Vintage Cafe chairs (or dressing table chairs)  and an Antique Sofa Table....
I'll try 2 post some pictures later,  I've been having some troubles with my camera so I will have my husband help me with it tonight.    Well that is about it for now, I am sorry that it has been so long since my last post.   I will try to be a better blog host and post more often.    chow... christina   =^,^=   meow...