Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Well... Hello to all my blog friends and followers...
I do hope that everyone had a wonderful weekend. As U all know, I was busy at the Lincoln Women's EXPO this past weekend. And the week be4, I was very busy getting ready 4the EXPO.
I want 2 say THANK YOU 2 everyone who ventured out to the EXPO. U all helped to make it a huge success. I have already started a list of ideas for next year.
One item or line of items that I hope to have finished be4 then is our "Sentiments & Quotations" Cards. To explain... Our "Picture Art Note Cards" with greetings, sentiments, little poems, quotations and cute little phrases printed inside.
I have had a large amount of requests for greetings and such to be printed inside of our Picture Art Cards. So over the past couple of years I have been keeping a book of such things, and have quite a selection of cute little sayings and stuff.
Maybe later in the year I will have a contest for things to print in our cards, what do U all think of that???
Who's game for a contest??? let me know what U think???
Enjoy the sun 2day... chow, christina =^,^= meow...

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